Mom, dad, estou a caminho e já tenho cinco centímetros.
Não esperavam por mim ainda... eu sei...
mas eu vim, porque quero muito
estar com vocês...
Vou chegar e dar muitos beiji-
nhos e abracinhos muito apertadinhos ao pai e à mãe, na minha casa na terra, onde está um quartinho lindo à minha espera... e quero logo vestir aquela roupinha linda que o pai comprou para mim.
Infelizmente, a terra ainda está numa frequência muito baixa. Por isso, uma parte do cérebro continua no domínio do akasha e é como se não o tivessem, porque não é usado. Apenas uma pequena parte fica acessível para entrar na frequência da terra e assim, os seres da terra podem viver com toda a liberdade e serem donos da sua vontade e um pouco do seu destino, porque a terra ainda está no livre arbítrio, para cada um poder escolher a melhor maneira de evoluir.
Mom, dad... sabem... a alma e o espírito são quase a mesma coisa, mas não. É assim... mais ou menos... a alma é a qualidade o espírito a quantidade. Temos que sentir para entender.
Quando eu crescer quero ser igual a vocês, linda e inteligente. É esse o significado do meu nome, Sofia, "sabedoria", que é de origem grega, não é? Vou ser linda! Ainda não escolhi a cor dos meus olhos... verdes, iguais aos do pai ou negros, como os da mãe? E os cabelos... claros como os do pai ou negros como os da mãe? Os dois são lindos, não sei o que fazer. Vou perguntar a um anjinho brincalhão, que às vezes vem junto de mim sorrir e dizer adeus, o que ele acha que me fica melhor. Quero ser uma menina muito bonita!
Mommy, eu cresci mais... já estou a ficar apertada na minha cápsula que era muito grande e eu podia nadar... agora já não posso e ainda vou crescer mais, como é que vai ser?... Vou ficar aqui muito encolhidinha, mas a minha cápsula também vai esticar, não é?
Quero nascer. Já estou farta de estar aqui. Mommy, já estou muito apertada e a minha cápsula já não é tão grande. Já posso ir, mas não sei como é que vou sair daqui. Não há porta. Mommy, mommy, preciso de ajuda!!! Aqui já está muito escuro. Quero sair... quero sair!... Daddy, vem ajudar, eu quero sair e ficar juntinho com vocês. Já não quero estar mais aqui, quero chegar à terra. Vou chorar!...
Portei-me mal, mas agora vou ficar bem. Os dois anjinhos pequeninos são muito engraçados e vão ficar a tomar conta de mim. Eles são giros e divertem-me muito e assim eu fico mais sossegada. Eles fazem-me dar muitas gargalhadas. Andam às cambalhotas, pulam em cima das nuvens e saltam de umas para as outras. Depois apanham estrelinhas e jogam à bola com elas e vêm a escorregar lá de cima das nuvens mais altas e mergulham no éter e têm uns canudos com que fazem bolinhas transparentes, umas pequeninas, outras maiores e outras muito grandes, coloridas e chamam-lhes arco-íris... é tão lindo, mommy, depois fingem que se vão embora para eu os chamar, cantam e têm umas flautas de prata e saltam as notas douradas a cantar e a dançar em roda... é uma festa mommy, quando chegar vou contar tudo ao meu daddy. Eu gosto muito do meu daddy, mommy, muito, muito... e da mommy também...
Mommy, é preciso dizer à avó Filu que venha logo. Ela pode esquecer-se e depois o avião vai e ela fica. Eu quero ela aqui quando eu nascer. Ela vai gostar muito de mim, não vai, mommy? E depois os primos vão ficar com ciúmes, mas eu agora sou a mais pequenina e preciso muito da minha avó e da avó Lilly também, se não ela fica triste. Eu sei que elas gostam muito de mim.
Daddy! Estou quase a chegar. Daddy, a minha lua já está a chegar. Estão a sair os bebés da lua anterior e depois é logo a minha. Só falta um bocadinho. Só um bocadinho. Daddy, estou muito feliz!
Os anjos da minha lua estão a chegar para ajudar estes e vão ensinar-nos tudo o que precisamos de saber para podermos nascer. Vou ficar com saudades dos meus amiguinhos anjinhos brincalhões, que me faziam rir muito e aos outros bebés também. Vou ficar com saudades da minha cápsula fofinha que está dentro da barriguinha da mãe. Vou ficar com saudades... oh, não!!! Estão a dizer que quando eu nascer me esqueço de tudo... não me vou esquecer nada. E também vou ter saudades destes bebés todos da minha lua. Estavam uns anjinhos pequenos a dizer que depois do nascimento e depois de crescermos nos vamos encontrar pela vida fora. É verdade mommy? Eles disseram que é por causa de sermos todos da mesma idade. Mas estou um bocadinho triste porque também ouvi dizer umas coisas esquisitas. É que, alguns bebés, os pais não queriam que eles nascessem... eu não percebo, mommy. É assim, se não queriam os bebés, porque é que puseram as sementinhas? Não precisavam! Guardavam para depois, para quando quisessem. E também ouvi dizer que nem todos os bebés vão para as mães deles. Alguns vão para outras mães que querem e não têm sementinhas. Porquê, mommy? As sementinhas podem-se comprar? E se calhar são pobres e não têm dinheiro... estou triste, porque alguns bebés estão mesmo tristes. Nem todos estão felizes com o nascimento. Eu queria nascer. O pai e a mãe sabiam que eu queria nascer. Disseram que eu não devia ter vindo ainda mas eu não fiquei triste porque eu sei que era para vir... se o pai e a mãe puseram as sementinhas é porque era para eu nascer. E eu também queria. Estou muito, muito feliz e o pai e a mãe também, não é mommy? Por isso, quando nos vierem buscar para a fila do nascimento, que está quase a ser, eu vou dizer:
O meu nome é Sofia
e quero nascer!...
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cambridge, 27 de Junho de 2011
Escrito durante toda a
gestação, e terminado cerca de duas, três semanas antes da data prevista do
nascimento. Um pouquinho de cada vez, no silenciar da noite, antes de deitar
para dormir, quando o tempo livre o permitia, depois de relaxar do cansaço do
trabalho e de tudo o resto, através de uma simples canalização de energia, que
permitiu a perfeita conexão de espíritos, sintonizando a mais pura vontade da
alma, na sua manifestação singela e inocente e respeitando todos os princípios
vitais da unidade do Ser, quando todas as barreiras se derrubam para dar lugar
a uma liberdade plena, onde a comunicação é total e absoluta.
Written throughout pregnancy and
finished approximately two to three weeks before the expected date of birth.
For a few moments each time, in the
silence of the night, without pressure, before going to sleep, when time
permits. After relaxing the fatigue of work and everything else, through a
simple channelization of energy, a perfect connection of spirits, tuning in to
a purer will of the soul, to its single and innocent where communication is
manifestation, with all respect for the principles of life. Unit of being.
When all these barriers collapse,
to give place to unconditional love, to a complete freedom, total and absolute.
This is the pseudo-story of an unborn baby, on her way, to the day of her birth on Earth. This is the story of a real baby, much desired and much loved.
The journey of the soul. The timeless journey of love, universal energy and absolute or cosmic consciousness. The sense of fiction in personalized content, whose profile is animated by dreams and fantasy meeting material life.
Mommy… Daddy… I want to be born.
Mom, dad, I'm on my way and I'm already five centimeters.
you weren't
expecting me yet... I know...
but I came because
I really want to be with you…
I'm going to arrive
and give lots of kisses and very tight hugs to my father and mother, in my home on Earth, where there's a beautiful
little room waiting for me... and I want to immediately wear that beautiful
outfit that my father bought for me.
I am in a very good and very beautiful place called "Akasha", which is greater than everything and has the knowledge of everything.
Daddy…mommy…you arrived before me to have time to grow up, be together and form a family again, because we were together in other lives and we enjoyed it so much and learned so much, that we decided to come to Earth again.
I am a daughter of the cosmos, like my mother and father and everyone... and I come from a very distant galaxy, from the space where the Earth is now and I will arrive at a time they call June. The day and hour…oh(!)… I can't say... some beings on Earth are in tune with the non-visible space and have some knowledge of the Akasha records and therefore are able to know a few things about what you call "the future"... but little.
The world I come
from, is much more elevated and evolved, as you say... and my father and mother
also came from here, but at the moment they were born, their physical memory
was blocked by the veil of oblivion, as will happen to me and all who make this
trip. Unfortunately, the Earth is still at a very low frequency. Therefore, a
part of the brain, remains in the domain of Akasha and it is as if they
don't have it, because it is not used. Only a small part is accessible to enter
the frequency of the Earth. The beings of the Earth, can live with complete
freedom and be masters of their will and a little of their destiny, because the
Earth is still in free will, for each one to choose the best way to evolve.
The total memory, the one that comes with the knowledge of everything, that belongs to the Akasha, only becomes free again at the moment of "passage", which happens when we leave the physical body again, to return to the original being and, then, we will have access to the sacred records again. Now, it is my turn to incarnate and, once again, I will have a physical body.
It was great to be together, in what you call "past lives", but the "present" is much more important, because, with birth, the past is lost in the memory of Earth's time, and with it, everything that was good and bad. The same, does not happen with the soul, which is always present to help us awaken our consciousness. That's why we are never alone and we always have the opportunity to grow, acquiring more teachings, to be better and better and perfect our being. This is called "knowledge". The knowledge of the soul.
Mom, dad... you know... the soul and the spirit are almost the same thing, but no. It's like this... more or less... the soul is quality and the spirit is quantity. We have to feel it, to understand.
When we begin the birth journey, we are still in the light state and the spirit is still in the Akasha. We do not have a physical body. we are free from matter and therefore we know everything and can do everything. Then, when we enter the soft and warm capsule that you call "placenta", we enter space or time, where our body is formed and grows, grows... and as it grows, we forget the knowledge we already had acquired in a body of light, because matter conditions us. But we need to return to life because, each time we incarnate, we also grow spiritually. Physical experience brings great progress to the soul, and the soul needs to expand the spirit more and more. Is the path of “Evolution”.
However, as our
physical form grows, our spirit moves from the macro to the micro cosmos. After
birth, the body grows and the spirit follows this growth. On Earth, both grow
at the same time. The soul, accompanies and is always present, with a physical
body or not, because it is our purest essence.
It's good to be back! Mommy... daddy... because I really like you and I also really like my whole family on Earth. Dad... mom... you know... there's a lot to do on earth. The angels were gathered in a plenary, and said that special missions, need better prepared beings.
I heard an angel,
who commands more, say that we have to be in tune so as not to lose our primary
purpose. And another said that, many of the beings who incarnate, completely
deviate from the path marked out by the heavens, that is, they abandon their
mission on Earth. They get lost by shortcuts that are not intended for them. Some,
because they cling too much to material life; others, because they do not
respect the original knowledge, nor the universal laws of the divine being that
they are.
I also heard the angel say that mother and father are part of an elite, destined to bring about great changes that will benefit not only the planet, but all life on earth and in heaven - heaven is also Akasha - and the angel said that this change is necessary. The entire universe demands this imperative necessity.
There are worlds of superior nature, on different scales, with very advanced spiritual knowledge that, out of love and loyalty, want to rescue the Earth, with everything that surrounds it. Nothing can be lost. But everything can transform, and it is this transformation that the cosmos takes care of, so that unity is not lost. But this has been very difficult, said the angel, because inequality is increasing and all values are inverting. He said it was necessary to channel all possible energy into helping prepare for the big change. It will take a lot of courage and everyone to believe in themselves a lot. On Earth, they call this “faith”. You must have faith.
Mommy, daddy, I
really, really like you. The other babies talk about their family back home and
tell what their parents do and some, talk about their little brothers. And I
say don't have any siblings yet, because my local parents haven't been able to
yet, because they are both scientists and work a lot, and study a lot, and
spend a lot of time reading books in the library, as uncle Pedro says, it's not
true Mommy? Yes, uncle says they are bookworms, it's so funny, ah, ah, ah
(!)... but being a scientist on Earth is a lot of responsibility, isn't it? And
my uncle Berto, is also a scientist, and my aunt Clarinha...
I'm sleepy... my
little angel friend is coming and he's going to play the song I like... it's
very beautiful... so is bed time... oh, oh... kiss mommy kiss daddy…
When I grow up, I
want to be just like you, beautiful and intelligent. That's the meaning of my
name, Sophie, "wisdom", which is of Greek origin, isn't it? I'll be
beautiful! I still haven't chosen the color of my eyes... green, like my
father's or black like my mother's? And my hair? Light, like my father, or dark
like my mother? They are both beautiful, I don't know what to do. I'm going to
ask a playful little angel, who sometimes comes next to me, to smile and say
goodbye, what he thinks looks best on me. I want to be a very beautiful girl!
At Akasha,
as we go, we meet other babies and play and laugh a lot. Some sleep, sleep and
see nothing. As we watch, we learn and become more knowledgeable. Between naps,
I look outside and see the sea of light that we crossed, to reach land. It's
so beautiful and so good to be here!... We're growing up and getting fatter so
we don't get sick and give our parents a hard time...
Sometimes, white cotton clouds appear, very fluffy, so we don't get hurt and warm, so we don't catch a cold. Other times, it gets dark, and you see many, many little stars in the distance, and then, we get closer to them, and with each one we pass, we become more beautiful, because they give us light, all different, all very beautiful, and the babies all become very happy.
Some, don't want to continue, they want to play with the little stars, but then, they help show the way so they don't get lost or arrive late. The little stars, are very friendly, and they like the babies a lot. And other times, little angels appear to sing and play music, to rock the most restless babies and make the most noise.
Mommy, daddy…
I'm still in Akasha,
but I'm already with you because, in Akasha, which is the basis of
creation, it's where everything is at the same time and where everything
happens at the same time. In Akasha there is only a time. Everything is
just a time. There is no past, present or future. Did the mother notice? And
the father too?
On Earth, they call this "parallel worlds" or parallel lives. The parallel world is the collective unconscious, where the whole and the void coexist. My thought now... my spirit... still belongs to the original principle or universal cosmic fluid... this is very difficult to understand, but everything interconnects and makes sense through love, which was the universal energy, that gave me called again to physical and material life.
When I'm with you on Earth, I'll look at the sky to see the stars. They take us on this trip and always watch us and will always accompany me. And my little stars and my mother's and my fathers are always together, and everyone else's too. They are always together, because they all live in space and are always placed in a balance that you cannot see... but that you can feel. It is very calm and peaceful. This is called "peace". The Akasha is also Peace... and it is also Love.
There are also
stars on Earth, as in the sky. They are beings of light. That's who I am and
when I'm born I will continue to be that. My memory will be phased, but part of
it, will remain linked to a big star, called the sun and which gives us life on
Earth to be light, love and joy. And the sun joins the other stars that come to
help bring much more light. The light that exists in the sky and if so, also
exists on Earth, because everything belongs to the Akasha.
Mommy, daddy, it´s bed time again. Kisses, kisses…
I slept a lot,
mommy, it looks like my hair has grown. Daddy, my arms and legs seem to be
longer. Will I look pretty? My little friend said he would bring a mirror, so I
could see myself. The babies that go with me, have all grown up too. They're
bigger and they're so cute! Ah, ah, ah…
It won't be long before I can play with my cousins. The Akasha is already becoming distant and the Earth is getting closer. I really like my name - Sofia. it's beautiful, isn’t it? What will I do, when I grow up? I am very confused. I can be a scientist... but I can also be...(?)... what... hum (!)... I want to be a mother, like mother and grandmother Filu and grandmother Lilly. I can be a dancer, like Sarah. She is beautiful! I can study music and play the cello, like Mariana, or the piano, like António. They are very handsome! I can be a teacher and teach children to read and do math. But first, I want to play a lot with Carolina. She's so cute! And with Gonçalo and Diogo, too. I like them a lot and they are my cousins, aren't they mommy? Tamy and Tutu are far away, in a land called Brazil. Oh, I wanted them so much to be with us. We would play and laugh a lot... ah… ah… ah...
Daddy, daddy, I want to go see great-grandmother Virgínia, in the Azores. If the father can't, nor the mother, because of work, grand-father can take me. I go with him on the plane and he draws pictures for me, like he did for father, when father was little. Grandpa draws very well! He made beautiful drawings and he's going to make many for me too, isn't he? And I also want to go to television, where grandmother Lilly works and then we go to the shopping center and she buys me beautiful dresses and bows to tie my hair and pretty bracelets. It's going to be a lot of fun, ah, ah, ah... and I'm also going with Grandma Filu, and my cousins, to the playground in garden, because I like her a lot, and we're going to get all dirty, and have to take a shower when we get home. And can I order an ice cream? And then the cousins want it too, and then, there are no more, and then, we fight and cry a lot...
Mommy, Daddy... Akasha
is a balance of negative and positive energies, and good and evil are together
and never fight, as happens on Earth, where there are always wars and things
like that.
Mommy, I've grown more... I'm already getting cramped
in my capsule, which was very big, and I could swim... now I can't, and I'm
still going to grow more, what's it going to be like?... I'm going to stay here
a lot shrunken, but my capsule will also stretch, right?
Mommy, I saw two
babies pass together in the same capsule... and I've also seen three! They are
very tight, poor things!... And they were the same... they were very happy and
said they were twins. I also wanted a twin!... Oh, no, then I got really
cramped, and had to share my room... But I had a brother or sister to play
with!?... It doesn't matter, I have cousins and mom and dad play with me when
they're not working, right? And then the grandmothers and grandfather come
too... there are many of us?!... How great!...
Now I'm going to leave these babies and I'm going to
meet others, because a little angel came to tell me that the capsule is going
to a place on Earth called New York, which is in the United States of America,
on Earth, so I'm going to meet other babies. Daddy... I'm going to miss you but
I'll be back soon and we'll be together again. Mom will be alone with me, but I
will behave very well, so she doesn't get sad... daddy please, don't cry, mom
and I will come back quickly. Don't cry, don't be sad. Kisses, daddy...
I'm growing and gaining weight and my capsule is also bigger. I need to ask dad to buy me more clothes. Mommy, buys nice things, please. The grandmothers have also bought things and I already have a beautiful stroller, to go out, for a walk. I’m going to have a beautiful bed!
Mommy, I'm always
growing and so are the other babies. We are all running out of space. Every now
and then we stretch to stretch the capsule, and make more space. My capsule was
tiny, now it is very big, and will grow more! It looks like it's going to
.Mommy, some very tiny babies are appearing, they can hardly be seen. There are babies of all sizes, but I go with the ones my size. Then, when the time for birth arrives, the little angels place us in order, in line, and help us open the capsule to leave. Will it cost a lot? There are some who want to go all at the same time, and push each other. Others are scared. I won't be afraid! When it's my turn, I'll go out and that's it. I'll be next to mom and dad, very happy, with everyone giving me lots of kisses, but first I want mom and dad.
Oh, I'm getting bigger. While I was in America, I grew a lot. Now, I'm going back to where I was before, which is Portugal. Mom spends many hours on the plane and I sleep in my capsule. Afterwards, the father is waiting there and I remain in my capsule. There's still a little time left before I'm born, but it's not long.
Mommy, when I'm born, I want my grandmothers and grandfather by my side. If they like me, they have to be with me, like mom and dad, okay? Will they want it? I want. I want to walk with them and I want them to sing me beautiful songs that they know. And if I cry, they rock me... mom and dad don't need to worry, because they know everything and will help me grow.
Dad bought me the first outfit, but now I have more and I also have other things... a lot. I already have pacifiers... all babies have pacifiers, why mommy? Do I have to have it too? Oh, I know, it's to keep from crying, right? But I'm beautiful, I won't cry... and I'll have toys too. I want to play a lot. Grandmothers have already bought me beautiful things.
I want to be born.
I'm tired of being here. Mommy, I'm already very tight, my capsule isn't that
big anymore. I can go now, but I don't know how I'm going to get out of here.
There is no door. Mommy, mommy, I need help!!! It's already very dark here. I
want to go out... I want to go out!... Daddy, come help, I want to go out and
be close to you. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to get to Earth. I'm
going to cry!...
Mommy, I don't know what happened, but a big angel came to me and brought two little angels, and then they said that I had to stay for a while, because it wasn't my turn to be born yet. I get it. When I was further back the same thing happened. Some babies appeared to get in front of me, and they were very excited. Then, they came to pick them up, and they went to their place.
I was bad, but now I'll be fine. The two little angels are very funny and will take care of me. They are cute and they entertain me a lot, and that way I feel more at ease. They make me laugh a lot. They do somersaults, jump on top of the clouds and jump from one to the other. Then, they catch little stars and play ball with them, and they come sliding down from the top of the highest clouds, and dive into the ether, and have some straws with which they make transparent balls, some small, others larger, and others very large, colorful and they call them rainbows. ... it's so beautiful, mommy, then, they pretend to leave so I can call them, they sing and they have silver flutes from which the golden notes sing and dance in a circle... it's a party mommy, when I arrive, I'll come tell my daddy everything. I like my daddy, mommy, very, very much… and mommy too...
I’m very grown up and my memory doesn’t know all those things that I knew. My tune is already very close to Earth and now I have to do what the baby protection angels say. We have to obey them, because they know what's good for us and now, I'm around my friends' babies again and I have to wait like them.
Cousin Tammy, who
is in Brazil, says that when she grows up, she wants to be a veterinarian, a
dancer and a flirt. Mommy, she can't be all that, otherwise there's nothing
left for me!? What if I also want to be a dancer? How are we going to do it?
Can I be too? And flirting? Do father and mother allow? Then we choose, right?
Oh mommy, I'm
sleepy, I need to sleep. The father? I want daddy, mommy, where is my father?
Mommy, why isn't he with us? He's gone? I want my father, I want him, I really
like him and I'm going to miss him.
Ah... the little
angels told me not to be sad, because daddy went to the land where I was going
to be born and then, we're going to meet him, right, mommy? Great! It won't be
long now, and when we arrive can I be born? Oh, I have to wait for Grandma Filu,
and maybe Grandma Lilly will be there too. I'm almost born. Daddy, daddy...
we're going there now.
How do I get born?
I don't know! If I don't make it, will I stay here forever?! It cannot be,
because I came to be on Earth with you. I have to ask the baby protection
angels, how it goes. Mom helps me and dad too? If I come out crying, don't be
upset. I was told that almost all babies come out crying. But I won't cry.
Mommy, we're about
to go see Daddy. He is already waiting for us, and is very sad to be away from
us. Mom and Dad don't like being away from each other, do they? Because they
are very friendly and are always giving each other kisses and hugs. Ah, ah, ah...
when I arrive, I also want lots of kisses.
Mommy, I want to
get out of here, mommy, I'm tired of being here. Oh!... I've been here a long
time. I don't like it anymore. I want to go there and stay with my father and
mother. But how do I do it? The baby protection angels came again, and wanted
to punish me. Now I have to stay very still. And they say I have to eat more.
Then, the big angel came and said that I was already leaving Akasha.
What is Akasha? I do not know what this is!? But he said it was the
place where all the babies came from. Mommy, I came from my mother's belly,
didn't I? The father put a seed, the mother put another, the two came together
and I started to grow inside my mother's tummy, didn't I? Why did he say that?
I don't know that place. Where it is? Were the father and mother there? I do
not notice anything. But angels can't lie, can they mommy?
Daddy, daddy!...
Mommy, I miss my
dad and he misses us a lot, too. So, we have to go quickly, so he doesn't get
sad. Mommy, mommy, come on... I'm going to tell the little angels that we have
to go to Cambridge now. They might forget to take us and dad is waiting. Dad
has already bought a beautiful car to pick us up at the airport... come on,
mommy, let's go... and grandma Filu, when is she going? She'll be there, won't
she mommy? I want my grandmother by my side. She is always with my cousins, now
she has to be with me...
I'm sleepy, very sleepy, and I'm tired... I'm going to sleep. Here come my little friends to take care of me. First, I have to eat the good food they bring me. They give me very good and sweet things, and then they sing beautiful songs for me, ah, ah, ah... mommy, we are already in England, the place where I will be born. Now we have daddy. Oh, I'm so happy!... And so is mom...
Daddy, I'm older and very chubby. Babies here in
England are different. They say I'm beautiful and they like me. I'm almost in
our new house and now I can rest a lot. I need to sleep, to finish growing and
become stronger and more beautiful. I'm happy, daddy.
I've been eating a lot of good things, and I've also been sleeping a lot, and now, I'm going to be very well behaved until I'm born, because it's almost here. They're all waiting for me. Grandma Xila and Grandpa, came from a place called Venice, in Italy and when they arrived, they immediately asked if I had been born yet. But I cannot. We have to wait for them, to come and pick us up, and say it's time.
Aunt Guida and all the other uncles, were also waiting for me and asked for me. But they have to wait. The angel said we have to wait for our moon. I'm anxious to know what my moon is, because it will also be responsible for me, on Earth, after my birth. The moon is very close to the sun and also gives us light. When the sun goes to rest and lets us sleep, the moon appears and takes care of our dreams while we sleep, so we can rest better and wake up in a good mood until the sun wakes up.
We are already in Cambridge, in our new house, which is very beautiful. Mom and Dad are very happy, because they are already together and will be waiting for me. They are already calling some babies who are a little further ahead than us. It's always a mess, because some, want to go early and can't, and others, don't hurry and are left behind. When it's my turn, I'll go right away. The angel said that we are already in the Earth's atmosphere and I don't know what that is. And a group of angels hurried by, saying that they were going to receive more seeds from babies that are coming to Akasha. Why do they go to Akasha? Where is that? When I was born and grew up, my mother and father would teach me these things that are now very complicated. Babies are all too young to understand these things.
Mommy, the baby protection angels are gone. Now, I'm with the others who are directly responsible for the birth of the babies. They said that everything is fine with me now, and that they no longer need to be around me all the time, taking care of me and giving me baby food and things like that... have I been really bad, mommy? Dad won't like this at all. But I'll give him lots of kisses and tell him I love him very much and he'll apologize.
Mommy, we need to tell Grandma Filu to come soon. She might forget and then, the plane goes, and she stays. I want her here when I'm born. She will like me very much, won't you, mommy? And then, the cousins will be jealous, but I'm the youngest, now, and I really need my grandmother and grandmother Lilly too, otherwise, she'll get sad. I know they like me a lot.
Daddy! I'm almost there. Daddy, my moon is coming. The babies from the previous moon are coming out and then it's mine. There's just a little bit left. Just a little. Daddy, I'm very happy!
The angels from my moon are arriving for these, and will teach us everything we need to know to be able to be born. I'm going to miss my playful little angel friends, who made me laugh a lot and the other babies too. I'm going to miss my cute capsule, that's inside mom's tummy. I'm going to miss you... oh, no!!! They're saying that when I'm born, I'll forget everything... I won't forget anything. And I'm also going to miss all these babies from my moon. There were some little angels saying that, after we are born and after we grow up, we will meet throughout life. Is it true mommy? They said it's because we're all the same age. But I'm a little sad, because I also heard some weird things.
It's just that some babies, their parents didn't want them to be born... I don't understand, mommy. So, if they didn't want the babies, why did they plant the seeds? They didn't need to! They saved it for later, whenever they wanted. And I also heard that not all babies go to their mothers. Some, go to other mothers who want them and don't have seeds. Why, mommy? Can seeds be bought? And maybe they're poor and don't have money... I'm sad, because some babies are really sad. Not everyone is happy with the birth. I wanted to be born. Father and mother knew I wanted to be born. They said I shouldn't have come yet, but I wasn't sad, because I know I was supposed to come... if the father and mother planted the seeds, it was because I was supposed to be born. And I wanted it too. I'm very, very happy and so are dad and mom, right mommy? So, when they came to pick us up, for the birth queue, which is what it is, I'm going to say:
My name is Sofia
and I want to be born!...
Querida Luísa,
ResponderEliminarQue sensibilidade!
Amei a sua linda mensagem de amor à sua netinha :)
Claro que os pais da criança irão adorar.... não tenho dúvidas!
Oi Lili! Adorei o texto! A apoteose deste divertido relato é a analogia do útero como sendo uma cápsula! Adorei! Em cápsulas ainda estamos todos nós! Ha ha! Adorei! Umas cápsulas mais criativas que outras!
ResponderEliminarA Sofia, quando puder compreender o carinho com que a Luisinha escreveu este texto, ficará muito feliz por ter uma avó que tanto lhe quer.
ResponderEliminarQue a Sofia traga para a família, que a espera de braços abertos, muita alegria, união e uma luz muito especial.
Teresa Beatriz Abreu
ResponderEliminarAgradeço muito o email. Está muito interessante, gostei imenso desta viagem até me senti a re...NASCER. Foi uma maravilhosa oportunidade que Me deu.
Que seja bem vinda a SOFIA, a este universo maravilhoso e que lhe seja dada a possibilidade de cumprir a sua missão.
Parabéns à vóvó LiLi.
Um beijinho grande.
ResponderEliminarEstou encantado com a ternura e o carinho com que acompanhou a gestação e o nascimento da Sofia. Tendo em conta a pessoa sensível que é, tal atitude não me surpreende. Parabéns e felicidades para a família, agora felizmente mais numerosa.
Carlos Portugal
Parabéns à querida avó Lili! Consegui viajar através destas lindas linhas escritas por uma linda pessoa. Obrigado pela partilha! Um beijinhos muito especial do amigo Mica.
ResponderEliminarA dedicação dada por você Luísa a sua netinha Sofia, é algo muito grandioso o que só demonstra o quanto você é uma avó maravilhosa e que esse cuidado especial se estende e se expande porque você é simplismente uma pessoa iluminada! Parabéns pelo contúdo deste blog que nos remetem a uma grande reflexão em todos os sentidos. Que a LUZ DIVINA cubra em especial a SOFIA e toda sua família. Beijos de Luz!
ResponderEliminarOlá Luisinha.
ResponderEliminarAcabei agora de ver o Blog.
Adorei, adorei, adorei.
É realmente de uma ternurinha divina.
És um Ser magnífico e a Sofia tem muita sorte de te ter como vovó.
Desejo-vos todas as felicidades do Universo.
Um beijinho muito grande.
Acabei de ler a linda história que escreveste da gestação da tua netinha. Não só está muito bem escrita como também tem uma boa dose de criatividade e uma explicação espiritual muito interessante. Na minha opinião dará um livro e bom e, atrevo-me a dizer, inédito livro. Uma excelente prendinha da vovó Lili para a sua netinha Sofia. Parabéns e votos de muito sucesso para esta tua nova publicação.
ResponderEliminar(Carlos Almeida)
Obrigado por partilhares de novo aquele que eu acho que foi o melhor texto que já alguma vez escreveste.
ResponderEliminarLembras-te da História das religiões onde ouvi falar destes temas?
Tenho alguma saudade desses tempos.
Obrigado mais uma vez por me trazeres de novo este teu texto tão especial.